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India: Independent but not free

India celebrates its 72nd anniversary of independence Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on the midnight of August 15, 1947, spoke words befitting the occasion when he said, "At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India is awake to life and freedom." Pandit Nehru in his immortal words Clearly recognizing the intrinsic link between independence and freedom. This month, however, ironically threw in tragic juxtaposition the lack of freedom in independent India.

Since this week led to the anniversary of India's independence, I went back to the freedom struggle. The British introduced some horribly restrictive laws, which limited the freedom of the press, including the Vernacular Press Act, 1878, through which the British Government aimed to establish a iron-like grip over local language publication like Amrita Bazar Patrika, and required such publications to to ensure that nothing was written against them This was also the time when the publications like Amrita Bazar Patrika were heroes. The Press was an amplifying voice of the whispers against a evil empire. The Press by reporting on horrifying incidents of misgovernance, like the treatment of indigo farmers and by Mahatma Gandhi and co of the message disseminating the message, helped Indian independence movement up to 1947 in the much-needed tailwind.

Fast forward to today, what is the primary medium to speak truth to power, has now become badgered by the present government in something unrecognizable. While there is an environment of fear and trepidation in the country, which is disconcerting. Of these, the resignation of Punya Prasun Bajpai from ABP News is fresh and possibly most troubling. Reasons for Bajpai's resignation are frighteningly Orwellian In a letter penned by him, he explained the events leading up to his resignation. As the host of Master Stroke, prime-time news broadcast on ABP News, Bajpai hosted the news, exposing the heights that this government has stopped from coming from.

For example, the news coverage in Chhattisgarh, where Master Stroke reported that a woman farmer, during her video interaction with Prime Minister Modi, had been tutored to make false claims that her income doubled. The report showed how, in fact, her condition has become worse Almost immediately, the BJP jumped to discredit the channel and Master Stroke. What was even more bizarre and terrifying was the disturbance in ABP's satellite link, which facilitated the beginning of the exact time during the show. This 'mischief' Simultaneously, advertisers turned their ads to ABP, allegedly due to pressure from outside entities. This was coupled with other restrictions on journalistic freedom, such as the instructions to try to reduce references to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his discussion on the news. This all-out offensive was misplaced but almost inevitably led to the resignation of Bajpai from ABP. When faced with the might of the entire government for reporting on its failings, it seemed there was little else that he could do

This, of course, is not just example. In general, the current environment in India is one of hate and polarization. Where intellectualism is treated with disdain and accountability The government in power has nurtured this environment and the message is clear: Go against the BJP The problem is that when you create such an environment, you can open doors. Whether it's the vile attack by trolls on various prominent journalists or the attack out in the open on Umair Khalid or the lynch mobs that act without reason or fear.

The problem is that the Prime Minister is the center of the approach Recently, I was a panelist on a news channel along with a spokesperson of the BJP and the questions were: Why PM Modi has not yet held a single press conference in four yearsij for BJP a silent Prime Minister, Modiji and the BJP will do well to remember that the former prime minister did three press conferences in New Delhi and always took questions from journalists on his trip abroad

When faced with this question, the response by the BJP spokesperson was as per script, breaking into a monologue about the greatness of the supreme leader, saying "Modiji is loved by all", "Modiji talks to everyone" etc. I feared that the spokesperson was just moments away from breaking into a Modi! Modi! Modi! chant I do not blame the BJP spokesperson The fact that the Prime Minister Modi believesIn one-sided conversations, whether it's his monologues or Mann Ki Baat, the conversation is to be filtered so that the image of the Prime Minister. This is because the BJP is aware that this carefully built image stands on cards, one where a single unfiltered / unedited question is made.

Inevitably, the criticism of the government today was met with wilful ignorance. In the alternate universe that the BJP resides, everything seems hunky-dory. But it sure does not feel that way, does itij and facts bare this disconnect On the world Press freedom index, for example, India ranks lower than Haiti, Niger and Sierra Leone. If the state of the press is so great, why does not the government be affected by this sentiment and why then is the Government dead against the news channels showing Prime Minister Modi when the government's failijes of policies. The Prime Minister is on every scheme and he announces almost all major policies of the government. It seems that India is stuck with a Prime Minister who is ironically loves the limelight but shies away from criticism that comes with it. It is tragic, then, when you look at the state of the country today and its similarities with Orwell's seminal novel, 1984. In it, Orwell, describes how information management is the dominant system that governs its system subjugated We should not forget that a free, independent press is a against the authoritarianism. Therefore, though India is celebrating its 72nd independence day, I am sad to say that it's definitely starting to feel like a lot 1984.


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