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China and India making the world green

conservation Environment pollution and decline
A recent study by NASA figures based on the American Space Agency has shown that India and China are leading global efforts to make the earth green. Significantly, the result of this study is in contradiction to the world-made assumption about India and China.
key pointsAs a result of this study, it has also become evident that the world is more green than it was 20 years ago.
In this study, the photographs taken by satellite during the year 2000 to 2017 were analyzed. In this, greenery patterns in India and China are astonishing. Together, both countries seem to be more covered than agricultural land in the world.
This result of the study is in contradiction to the general belief that it is said that green areas are declining due to excessive exploitation in countries with large population.
In the eighth and ninth decade of the last century, the situation of green areas in India and China was not good but since 1990 people have understood it and now it has improved considerably.
Share of forest and agricultural land
According to a Boston University researcher, "India and China are heading towards increasing greenery on the planet. Both countries are responsible for one-third greenery on earth, but in the two countries, the area covered by trees and plants is only nine percent of the area.
According to the study, forest area in China is 42 percent and agriculture is 32 percent, while most of the agricultural land (82 percent) in India. Forest sector contribution in India is only 4.4 percent.
China is working on several ambitious programs to increase forest area. Its purpose is to reduce air pollution and climate change.
Related concerns

There has been concern in the study that in the future, the trend of current greenery may vary due to various factors.Since 2000, food production has increased by more than 35 percent in India and China. The use of agricultural facilities and fertilizers has increased the agriculture sector. With the help of ground water irrigation in India, food production has increased significantly. Significantly, due to continuous decrease in groundwater level, there may be a change in the trend of increasing green area. Researchers also noted that the rise in greenery in the world can not compensate for the loss of natural vegetation in tropical regions such as Brazil and Indonesia.


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