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dispute and between Greece and the Republic of macedonia

Recently, the MPs of the Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia) have betrayed their country's name to be the 'Non Republic of North Macedonia'. 81 of the 120 MPs from Macedonia batted in favor of a name change, with 2/3 of the majority required to change the name.
key points

This move could end the dispute between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia between the two countries of Europe, almost three decades.
The dispute between the two countries was related to the name of the Republic of Macedonia. The territory of Greece (that is, some parts of Greece located in the south of the Republic of Macedonia) from the border of the Republic of Macedonia is also called the only Macedonian.
Alexander the Great was the resident of the Macedonia region. This is why Greece's citizens were annoyed with the name and were blocking membership of NATO and the Republic of Macedonia in the European Union.
To resolve this dispute, an agreement was reached between the two countries in June last year, under which the Republic of Macedonia had to change its name. The form of fruit form NATO and EU's Republic of Macedonia was to get support from Greece.
The two countries agreed that the Republic of Macedonia would now be known as the Republic of North Macedonia, and in the Mesodonian language it will be called Severna Macedonia.
It has also been clarified in the agreement that Northern Macedonia will not be regarded as belonging to the Old Greek Civilization.
Before the official announcement of the new name it was necessary to get the consent of the people of Macedonia and the Parliament of Greece.
If the name is also approved by Greece under a fixed agreement, then this small Republic, that the Republic of Macedonia, NATO and the way to enter the European Union will be cleared.

History of the Republic of Macedonia

It is also called the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Macedonia or Macedonia.
In 1991, separated from Yugoslavia, the new country of the Republic of Macedonia was formed.
In 1991, the Republic of Macedonia separated from the former Yugoslavia and declared independence.
Approximately 25,000 sq km The population of this country, with a little more area of ​​about 20 lakhs.Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia has voted to change their country’s name to the “Republic of North Macedonia”.

    Macedonia agreed to change its name after signing the Prespa Agreement with Greece in June 2018.

Prespa is a fresh-water lake in southeast Europe shared by Albania, Greece, and Macedonia.
With this agreement, a long-standing dispute between the two countries came to an end.
The dispute was that the region of Greece bordering the Republic of Macedonia is also called Macedonia.
Neighboring country Greece has objected to its name and said that it implied the Macedonian republic’s territorial aspirations over the northern region of Greece.
The change of name will now allow the Republic of Macedonia to enter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU) as its accession to both organizations was vetoed by GreeceParliament of the Republic of Macedonia has voted to change their country’s name to the “Republic of North Macedonia”.



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