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changes in the Earth


Why in the discussion?

A recent study by the British Geological Survey-BGS found unexpected changes in the Earth & # 39; s magnetic field.
Important point

    Recently, the British Geological Survey found unexpected changes in the Earth's North Poles, the Earth's magnetic North Pole is moving towards Siberia from its present state in Canada.

    Due to this change, geophysics are being reconsidered for the world magnetic model, which is used for navigation purposes.
    World Magnetic Model-WMM is a standard model of core and large scale crustal magnetic field.
    It is used by the United Kingdom and United States for navigation purposes, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO and the International Hydrographic Organization - IHO also use it. Apart from this, it is also widely used in civilian navigation.
    Scientists believe that the biggest reason for such change is the unexpected change in the liquid iron (iron) present in the interior of the Earth.
    According to the survey, the speed of the earth at present is approximately 50 kilometers in a year. While its speed was very low between 1900 and 1980, it has increased rapidly in the past 40 years.
    In 2015, the World Magnetic Model was prepared for five years (2015-2020), but it is being said that an initial review is being made by the US forces for this unexpected change.
    In the current scenario, from the mapping of cell phones to the sea and the airplanes, almost all the technicians use it, which are known as world magnetic models.

Geographic pole vs. magnetic pole

Geographic Poles

    Earth revolves around the geographical north and south poles. Geographical north and south pole are those, where lines of meridian meet from north to south. Southern and North Pole are directly opposite of each other.

Magnetic north pole

    The earth acts as a big magnet.
    Concrete iron is found mainly in the inner core of the Earth. It is mainly located in the circle of liquid metal.
    The liquid metal flowing in the core of the earth produces electric currents, which in turn produces our magnetic field.
    Magnetic North Pole is a point on North America's Alsmere island from which the northern lines of attraction enter the Earth.
    This means that a compass needle points to the magnetic north pole - which is different from the geographic answer.

International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)

    The International Hydrographic Organization is an inter-governmental counselor and technical organization established in 1921 to support the safety of navigation and the protection of the marine environment.
    India is also a member of IHO.

The purpose of the organization:

    Coordinating the activities of National Hydrographic Offices.
    Bringing nautical charts and documents uniformly.
    Adopting reliable and efficient methods for conducting hydrographic surveys and their benefits.
    Developing science in the field of hydrography and using techniques in oceanography.


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