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International relations

India has got control of Chhapar port expedition in Iran. In December 24, three-stage trilateral talks between Iran-India and Afghanistan soon agreed to implement the Tripathi Transit Agreement. Three countries had agreed to finalize the protocol by coordinating problems such as transit, roads, real estates.

What is Chabahar Deal?

The strategy to develop Iran's port city of harbor on behalf of India was created in 2003, but due to lack of enthusiasm in Iran and international sanctions later, the discussion did not go forward. Thereafter, in May 2015, India's Border Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari and Iran's Transport and Urban Development Minister Dr Abbas Ahmad Ahandi signed the development of the Chabar project. After this, it was finalized during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Iran. Under this deal, Joint Ventures of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust and Kandla Port Trust, in the first phase of Indian Ports Global Pvt. Ltd. and Iran Bunders Company, in the first phase of Iran, 2 terminals and 5 multi-cargo breach chebar port projects.

The first meeting of the follow-up committee on the Chahahar seaport
Six weeks after the exemption from US sanctions, India's Chabor port, which is strategically located in Israel,
In this port city, officials from Iran, India and Afghanistan gathered for the first meeting of the follow-up committee.
A meeting was convened to run the Tripuri Chawhor Agreement. Facilitation facility for the meeting of the follow up committee; An agreement was also made to make a study to decide on ways to reduce the Segment Agreement and to work on the smooth working of major agreements. In addition, an important decision was taken for finalizing the routes for trade and transit corridor.
The protocol will be finalized to bring changes in the transport, roads, customs and consular matters soon. In addition, T.R. Freight traffic will be permitted in the chabara under the provisions of the convention.
The next meeting of the follow-up committee will be held in India.
To promote this port a festival will be held in February 2019.
India Ports Global Limited got the right
Office of Indian Ports Global Limited, Indian public sector company started working on 'Shahid Bahashi' port.
This port has been leased to India Ports Global Limited for 18 months, which will be extended for next 10 years.
India Port's Global Limited is a joint venture of Dindayal Port Trust for the development of the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust and for the development of overseas ports.
During the visit of Iranian President Hussein Rohani to India in February this year, the lease agreement for the first phase of Shaheed Exhibition Port of Chemb was signed.
Why is the job of India important?

India believes that the development of ports, roads and rail links will create employment opportunities in these three countries and prosperity in these countries.
Trade will be restructured with economic growth and development. With the beginning of this agreement, there will be an opportunity to trade private sectors in the wake of considerable decrease in the business expenditure of the three countries.
By the operation of the Chabra, India will be able to bypass Pakistan. India will be able to increase the supply of goods by vessels in Afghanistan.
In view of the importance of Chawhav in the form of Regional Economic Relations Center, India sent the first installment through 1.75 million tonnes of wheat through this port to Afghanistan.
One important aspect of the Chabrabart port is that it is only 100 kilometers away from China's hideous port in Pakistan.
China is developing this port under the 46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Program and wants to open it on new trade and transit routes.
Iran's President Hussein Rohani inaugurated the newly expanded broad gauge on a wide open shore in December last year. This extension will increase the port capacity three times.
Bypassing Pakistan

The Chabahar located in the Sistem-Balochistan province, located in the southeastern part of Iran, is strategically important for India. Through this, India has found a new way of doing business including Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Russia and Europe. The new strategic transit route is being started between India-Iran-Afghanistan through this port located in the Arabian Sea, which will strengthen trade in three countries.

Apart from this, the port of Hamburg to reach Afghanistan for India will be an accessible space. Till now Pakistan is the easiest way to go, but Pakistan is opposing it and is making every effort to stop India's approach to Afghanistan. But this port is easy for India to reach Afghanistan. With India not going to Pakistan, it will be able to connect with Afghanistan. It will provide a direct route


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