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Oscar Trophy:

 oscar Award is the world's most popular, popular and prestigious award in the world of film industry. They started in 1929. These Oscar names were later known as the first Academy Awards.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science: These awards are given by the organization that does not work for a benefit named Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (Empass). Which was established in 1927 by the 36 most prominent people of the motion picture industry at that time. Beginning in 1927, MGM studio chief Louis B. Mayer, Mayor and three of his guests, actor Conrad Nagel, director Fred Niblo and producer Feid Beatson planned to create an organization that would benefit the whole film industry. They planned to make this proposal in front of the people of all the creative genres of the film industry.

On January 11, 1927, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, 36 people met at dinner and talked about the proposal to establish the International Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (the word 'International' was subsequently removed). Invitations included many celebrities of that time, such as Mayor, Mary Pickford, Sid Grumman, Jesse Laski, George Cohen, Cecil B. Demile, Douglas Fairbanks, Cedric Gibbons and Irving Thalberg. All the people supported the proposal and were elected the organization's officials in the middle of March, whose president was Douglas Fairbanks.

On 11th May, 1927, after the approval of a charter as an organization by which the Academy was not allowed to run for profit, there was a formal feast of the organization at Biltmore Hotel. 230 of the 300 guests received formal membership of the Academy by paying 100 dollars. That same night Thomas Edison was awarded the Academy's first honorary membership.

Initially, 5 branches were established in the organization: producers, actors, directors, writers and technicians.

Academy Awards: The first Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel which was not made public. On May 16, 1929, 270 people attended the dinner in the hotel's Blossom Room. The ticket rate for the guests was 5 dollars.

The funny thing was that the awards given at this ceremony were announced three months ago. But later this method was changed and the results were declared at the time of the ceremony, only the list of results in the offices of the newspapers was sent at 11 a.m. on the day of the function. But it was also stopped by the Los Angeles Times as a result of the publication of the results just before the ceremony in their evening newspaper.

In 1927 and 1928, 15 people were given these awards. Not only was the presence of media present during the first Academy Awards, but from the second Academy Awards till date, this award has been the center of attraction for the media world. For the first time in 1953, NBC TV made the Oscar Awards live on TV.

How is Voting: The Balletting Process of Academy Awards sees Pricewaterhouse (which is now PricewaterhouseCooper). The ballating process is being used to provide the awards since 1935. About 6,000 members of the Academy use secret ballots tabulated by an auditing firm of Price Water House Cooper to vote in the balloting process.

The biggest part of it is actors. The first nominations are sent to the active members of the Ballats Academy. Actor members nominate actors, film editor film editor, directors, directors, directors. All active members of the Academy have the right to choose Oscar winners. After the completion of the balleting process, only two partners of Price Water House Cooper, on the final stop, know the final result until the names of the winners come out of the envelope. This award is given in 25 categories. Until the results are declared, the security of the auditors is fully protected.

Oscar Trophy: Director of MGM Art, Cedric Gibbons, designed a knight statue of a warrior standing on a reel film reel. This design was embodied in Los Angeles by a sculptor George Stanley, he molded it into a three-dimensional form. This statue is 13.5 inches tall and weighs eight pounds or 3.85 kg. In 1929, 2701 trophies were given during the first Oscar award.  


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