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Reservation for economically backward upper cast

Reservations for economically backward upper castes in government jobs
January 08, 2019
On January 8, the Union Cabinet approved 10 percent reservation for economically backward upper castes in government jobs. According to the report, the cabinet included 10 percent reservation in institutions besides government jobs.

Here you will find about 10 percent quota for general category:

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Who will benefit from this?

The economically backward upper castes like Brahmin, Bania, Rajput (Thakur), Jat, Maratha, Gujjar, Bhumihar, Kapu, whose family income is 8 lakh rupees per annum, will benefit from this proposed quota reservation.

  Other religions, such as Muslims and Christians, will also benefit from the poor.

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What are the criteria for reservation?

 According to a report, in addition to the family income of beneficiaries being less than 8 lakh rupees per year, the family should possess land less than five acres.

  The notified municipality should not have a residential plot of less than 200 square yards in 100 square yards and non-notified areas.

The quota seekers should not have more than five acres of agricultural land.

How will quota apply?

A Constitutional Amendment Bill will seek amendment in Article 15 and 16 of the Constitution dealing with caste-based quota to provide reservation for "financially vulnerable" sections in public-employment and all educational passed in Parliament on 8 January. Institutions

According to the media reports, the current 50 percent reservation for quota SC, ST and OBC will be above and above.

What are the challenges ahead to implement this quota?

The biggest challenge before the implementation of this law is that in the Indra Sahni case in 1992, the Supreme Court has 50 percent caps on the quota. The top court had said in its decision that the reservation will not be more than 50 percent.

However, if changes are amended, reservation quota can increase from existing 50 percent to 60 percent.

Similar modifications for amendment to Article 15 and 16 were made by the governments in Haryana, Rajasthan and Maharashtra but on the basis of judgment in the case of Indra Sahni, the law was broken by the court.

Earlier, the Supreme Court had said that the Constitution does not make any case for quota on economic basis and only talks about educational and social backwardness.

What is the politics behind this step?

Prior to Lok Sabha elections in April-May, it is seen as the BJP's step to strengthen the upper caste votes. Political observers suggest that due to aggressive pressures to win over backward classes and Dalits, these sections of upper castes had shifted from the party. And this is the party's attempt to bring them back before Lok Sabha elections.

The saffron party had to face the anger of the upper castes in the elections of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan over the amendments brought by the Central Government to cancel the Supreme Court's decision in the SC-ST Act last year.

Responding to the development, Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi termed this move as "an election nautanki" and asked what the government is doing for the past four years and eight months.

This step is important to the BJP before the general elections to get support from an influential section of society. The party may also need the support of the opposition to pass the bill in the Rajya Sabha, where the government has a number


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